Counting down the days…

Counting down the days…

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the garden is planted and staff members are starting to roll in! Yes, that’s right, summer is around the corner. Here is an update on happenings around camp over the last month. Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Work Weekend

Sunny skies and few black flies made for a very productive Work Weekend! Work crews led by Bob, Mawk and Pete tore down the old farm, began construction on the new farm, gathered brush, raked leaves, put the docks in the water, and prepared the garden for planting. We enjoyed great food (thanks Mr. Florio!) and company in the evening. A special thanks to all of the families and friends that joined the Windsor Mountain team to work together as a community to kick off the Summer 2011 season.

Roxbury Prep Charter School
Windsor Mountain is proud to support Roxbury Prep Charter School, an urban public middle school Boston. Roxbury Prep, recently recognized by Governor Patrick for its students’ achievement gains, is one of the highest performing middle schools in Massachusetts. Roxbury Prep’s students’ achievements have proven that performance of urban students has nothing to do with the students’ capacity to learn but on the quality of the schools in their communities.

Windsor Mountain donated 3 camp spaces for the live auction at Roxbury Prep’s “Prep for Success” dinner in early May. Supporters of the school and of the benefits of summer camp bid to sponsor sending Roxbury Prep students to Windsor Mountain. We look forward to welcoming these students to the Windsor Mountain community this summer, and are proud to have helped raise over $13,000 for the school.

Please submit your camper forms as soon as possible. Returning staff member, Tarryn Martin, has joined the Windsor Mountain team as the Summer Camp Administrator and has begun the endless pursuit of camper forms. If you have not heard from her yet, you will soon. As much as you will enjoy Tarryn’s South African accent, it would be “brilliant” if you could send in any outstanding forms before she has to reach out to you. Thanks!

Riddle Winner
Some of you may be wondering who got the correct answer to the riddle from the last newsletter. Well, the lucky ice cream winner (and bunk) will be announced at camp. So….stay tuned!