

It is a beautiful day here at Windsor Mountain. The sun is shining and there is a cool breeze blowing up from the water – it is a perfect camp day. You cannot help but be thankful for being here at camp and getting to enjoy playing outside and teaching children all day. Campers are busy enjoying their final day of the second rotation of activities, where they have been learning skills, trying new things and having fun with each other and their counselors. The next two rotations will allow the artists of the camp to work on Alice in Wonderland, which will be performed at Theater-fest on August 7 (visiting day!). Whether as a castmember or one of the many working on props, set design and costumes, campers love getting involved and we are all so excited to see it come together.

Last night we played “Know Thy Neighbor” and bunks earned points by answering questions about their bunkmates (from “where are they from?” to “rock, paper or scizzors?” Bunks also earned points for themed attire (I believe the studious girls with glasses and pigtails earned the most) and attentiveness. Everyone shared laughs and got to know each other better as well. Everyone is getting excited for small living unit night tonight. Each bunk (or sometimes two together) will do a special activity, such as canoeing to the Islands for a campfire, scavenger hunts, outdoor cooking (smores galore!), and sneaking around as ninjas.

We uploaded more pictures so please click the link in the blog post below. You will see some photos taken by campers as well. Enjoy!