Super Happy BEACH Day!

Super Happy BEACH Day!

What a day! Today we surprised the campers with BEACH day! Everyone at camp loves a good surprise but the trick is making sure the staff keep the secret and I think we managed to pull it off. Campers woke up thinking something was happening but we did not tell them until morning meeting that we were bringing back BEACH DAY! We loaded campers and staff into buses and drove to York Beach in Maine. Everyone enjoyed frolicking in the ocean together (despite the fact that it was a fairly drizzly day). After our trip to the beach, we stopped off for a movie – Rio! We returned to camp for a Hogwarts-style banquet dinner, served by the staff family style. After dinner, the departments gave out awards – everything from the golden guitar to the silver rake. Each department recognizes a camper or two who has contributed to the community in a special way – not just the most talented but perhaps the most improved or most dedicated.

I think everyone enjoyed returning to their living units a little early tonight so they can get some rest before the big Andy Upton race tomorrow. We hope to see some great costumes and bunk themes! Good night friends!