Summer 2011 – Check and Check

Summer 2011 – Check and Check

Wow. Camp 2011 is in the books. It is hard to believe that it already is over. It seems like yesterday that we were prepping for the first session campers to arrive and planning for the 4th of July celebration. I find that time plays strange tricks on us at camp. Somehow it seems to both meander and zip in the same instant, allowing us to etch into our memories for a lifetime every meaningful camp moment while reminding us that our opportunities to catch these moments are fleeting.

Camp this summer was amazing. It was fun and whimsical, and yet meaningful and profound all at the same time. We had Phil Fest, alpaca fashion shows, ping-pong tournaments and Beach Day. We also had the LITs (leaders in training) volunteering at a soup kitchen and campers sharing their thoughts at Sunday Morning Meeting on what it means to live in the moment. There was camping out on the island, flying through the air on the rope swing and Alice in Wonderland. We had music and laughter and gatorball. Campers learned about themselves, made friends with people from different backgrounds and took risks by stepping out of their comfort zones.

And you will not find a group of more dedicated, talented and caring people than the 2011 staff of Windsor Mountain. They are what makes Windsor Mountain what it is, and we are eternally grateful to them for giving so much of themselves to positively impact the lives of children.

This summer has enriched us all in countless ways, and I welcome campers, staff and families to send to me an email ([email protected]) describing how camp this summer enriched your life. I will post some of the responses on the blog. Also, we’ll be in touch with everyone soon about details for 2012 and about the upcoming reunion in October. And as always, please check the blog in the off-season for updates on camp.

I measure the success of the summer on whether campers left here as better versions of themselves. I am so proud to say that the summer was a rousing success and to be a part of something that touches so many lives in such a profound and positive way. Thank you for your support this year and for being a part of the Windsor Mountain family.