Hey Fall, Welcome Back!

Hey Fall, Welcome Back!

After a nine-month hiatus, fall has returned to New Hampshire. We love it! The daytime air is crisp, the nights are cool, and the fires are burning in the wood stoves once again. And the leaves are about to explode into a hundred different shades of colors! The remaining fall groups staff is going camping in the Whites on Monday, and we are really looking forward to it.

Please don’t forget to sign up for our fall festival reunion (weekend of Oct. 14-16) where we will do some apple-picking, leaf-pile jumping, pumpkin carving, campfire and singing, apple-pie baking, cider making, swimming(!), haunted-house making, costume party and whatever else people want to do! If you didn’t receive our form to sign-up, please CLICK HERE to print a PDF version. Also, don’t forget that if you enroll in camp for summer 2012 prior to reunion, you can come to reunion for free. See you soon!