Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

This is my favorite week of the year. It always has been. Everyone just seems a little lighter, happier. Or maybe it is just my perception. Either way, real or perceived ubiquitous joy notwithstanding, I love Thanksgiving. I love it for all the reasons everyone loves it – family, food, football, etc. But I also love it because it reminds me to examine my life every once in a while and to be grateful for all the good things. There are plenty of reasons for all of us to complain on a daily basis. Almost nothing is perfect. The train was late, it’s too cold, groceries are expensive, etc., etc., etc. Thanksgiving is one day every year where people just don’t want to complain. They prefer to see what is instead of what is not; to think about what they have not what they don’t. This must have some collective effect on our national psyche. It is sort of an annual splash of cold water in the face, a giant red stop sign telling 300 million people to stop wanting and instead to be grateful, to be satisfied (until “Black Friday” of course). Americans consider ourselves an optimistic lot, and I wonder whether Thanksgiving helps to preserve that thinking. Who knows? I know only that feeling grateful for my life and the things (read: people) that bring me joy makes me feel happy. So in the interest of trying to make the world a better, more joyful place, I wish for you all on my favorite day of the year the magical gift of gratitude. Take some for yourself and pass the rest. Peace.