March Reunion (yay!), Patriots Lose (boo!), and Cake (yay)!

March Reunion (yay!), Patriots Lose (boo!), and Cake (yay)!

Wow. What a Superbowl. As a lifelong Patriots fan, this one is a little tough to swallow, but congratulations to all of you Giants fans out there. I was going to make a friendly wager with a willing camper (whose parents consented of course!) to paint the Giant’s logo onto my head if the Patriots lost so long as the camper would paint a Patriots logo onto her head. I’m quite pleased I didn’t make that bet. Sometimes the best moves are the ones we don’t make. 

Here is the latest from camp:

Dining Hall Progress
Thanks to a strangely mild winter, Bob and Mawk have made lots of progress on the dining hall addition since they are not spending their days shoveling snow from the rooftops. It is coming along nicely, and we are excited to enjoy our first season having a little more space for dining indoors on those rainy days. Bob and Mawk also have been crafting new wood tables for the dining hall, which will have the same functionality (move ‘em and stack ‘em!) of the old tables but are beautifully crafted and very sturdy. You still will enjoy sitting on the decorated stools!

Tree-Fort Anyone?
Two summers ago, Adam Veaner, Jake Newman and many eager campers started building a tree-fort down the Yellow-Dot trail. They made great progress, and the fort has withstood the elements quite well. But, we need to ramp things up this summer! Our vision is to build a tree-fort village that is large enough to allow a bunk to spend the night in the fort in the woods. So consider this a call to action for all staff and campers interested in taking on this challenge. We need to make this epic!

Quest Trip?
Speaking of epic, I got together with super-star Windsor Mountain staff member Ben Okin last week. As many of you know, Quest has become a favorite among some campers and we’re going to ramp it up even more this summer. Ben O. shared with me his vision for an epic 3-day Quest off-camp! I have been sworn to secrecy on details, but suffice it to say that it is going to be amazing.

New York City Winter Reunion – Save the Date – March 3, 12:00-3:00
It’s time to get together with camp friends and meet some new ones. Please save the date for our New York City winter reunion for March 3, from 12:00-3:00. Details, including location in the city and activities, will follow in the next couple of weeks. Come play!

Enrollment Update – State of the Camp Address
I am so happy to report that enrollment is very strong for this coming summer. The state of your camp is quite healthy as we enter Windsor Mountain’s 52nd summer, and we are so proud to be a part of this amazing organization with such great friends, families, staff and campers.

Please note that space for the cabins in July (6th grade boys and younger) is getting quite limited as is space for 6th grade girls and two week campers. We know there are some of you out there are planning to enroll but who have not gotten to it yet so please go online when you have a moment and reserve your space.

For all of the families who already have enrolled, please make sure to login to your account by clicking the “family sign in” button on our home page, and complete the camper forms online that are due April 1. We think you will find this system easy to use, but if you have any questions, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help.

Animals, Animals, Animals
We are always looking for great new ideas for camp, so if you have any thoughts on interesting animals to introduce to the farm, we are all ears (pun most definitely intended)! FYI – Jake’s idea to have a giant parrot in the dining hall who can imitate campers (or call for seconds) already has been rejected on the grounds of health and noise concerns. Alternatively, miniature horses seem cool.

Okay, here is a riddle for all campers. The first one to email me with the correct answer gets cake for your bunk this summer. Here goes!

One morning, a man is leaving on a business trip and stops by his office on his way out of town. He runs into the night watchman who stops the man and says, “Sir, don’t go on your business trip. I had a dream last night that a truck carrying apple juice had an accident on the highway and spilled its contents and the road out of town was closed for ten hours. If you go, you will be stuck in traffic all day.” After hearing this information, the man checked the traffic report and saw no report of an accident, so he proceeded with his trip. Two hours later, the man became stuck in traffic for several hours after a truck carrying cranberry juice had an accident on the highway, which closed the road out of town. When the man returned to his office the next day, he fired the night watchman. Why?

Hint: The night watchman had nothing to do with causing the accident.

We hope everyone is enjoying this mild winter and beginning to long for long summer days! As always, we love to hear from camp families so drop us a line!

The Windsor Mountain Team