Just around the corner…

Just around the corner…

The countdown continues – 38 days until the start of Session 1 – 27 days until all staff members are at camp.  

WMI weather predicts SUN with temperatures in the upper 80s. The lake is officially warm enough for swimming (and had its first swimmers just yesterday afternoon).

Speaking of swimming – a BIG THANK YOU to all of the families and staff members who joined us for work weekend back in April.  They helped us put in the docks, rake leaves, plant flowers, paint, haul firewood and many other exciting camp preparations.  It took a lot of teamwork to lift the large pieces of the dock and move them down to the water’s edge.


Camp is looking pretty spiffy with all the help from the work weekend folks and of course the ongoing awesomeness from Bob’s Team!

The change in weather was perfectly timed for the planting of Blue Heron Farm.  Phil reports that the cantaloupes may sprout as early as tomorrow and the strawberries are already flowering – berries should be growing before the campers arrive!

Sowing Seeds at the Farm


All of the pieces are coming together for the summer of 2012.  The grounds are looking lovely and the office team has been working on some other treats for you.  Watch out for more news this week…