Opening Day!

Opening Day!

Opening day 2012 is in the books! We are thrilled that camp has started, and the campers’ (and staff) excitement has brought great energy. After the campers arrived, we had a surprise “flash mob” where the staff put on a musical dance routine to the beat of various genres of the camp anthem – “Purple Lilacs”. It was fantastic! (Kerry and I did a dramatic rendition. I’m not sure we will be joining the cast of “Dancing with the Stars” anytime soon, but it was fun).

After our musical and dancing stylings, Marco and the kitchen staff served up some tasty dinner (pasta, veggies, cake, etc.), which was enjoyed by all. Then we had our first Program Planning, where the staff explained to the campers the activities they will be leading for our first three-day rotation, which begins on Thursday. Once the campers chose their activities, they went off with their bunks for some good ol’ fashioned bonding time. As I walked around camp this evening, I saw the warm glow of a couple of campfires burning and lots of people getting to know each other. What I really saw was old friends reconnecting and new friends in the making. It was great to see.

We are looking forward to our first full day of camp tomorrow. As always, thanks to all of the Windsor Mountain family for entrusting your precious children to us. We’ll be in touch again soon, and have a great night!