My New Year’s Resolution – Give People New Guitars!

My New Year’s Resolution – Give People New Guitars!

When I was 15 years-old, I bought an acoustic guitar. I had grand visions of becoming an expert, playing around campfires, entertaining friends, etc. But alas, this dream was never realized. For almost 20 years, that guitar sat in a closet, unloved. I thought about it sometimes, sitting there all alone, probably wondering when someone would pick it up and give it life. Those thoughts were fleeting, as there was always something seemingly more fun or important for me to do.

More recently, I’ve taken a beginning guitar class here and there at camp and started to get the hang of it. And then, other obligations take over and the calluses I so proudly formed kept disappearing. No more, I say!

The turning of the calendar to a new year is a traditional time to make resolutions. Well, here is mine – 2013 is the year I am finally going to learn to play the guitar. For real. And I am committing to playing Purple Lilacs on the opening day of camp. Wow, now that I have put it out there in an email to hundreds of people, I am going to have to make it happen.

So what does this have to do with you, Windsor Mountain camper or parent of Windsor Mountain camper? In reflecting about my resolution for 2013, I thought about how fun it would be if others joined me in learning an instrument or a new song or new technique. The love and appreciation of music is such a part of Windsor Mountain so I thought it would be great to do this together. How magical would it be to have a chorus of campers and staff members playing and singing Purple Lilacs TOGETHER on opening day? So, let’s do it. And here is how camp will help make that happen.

For those of you who have not yet enrolled for 2013, if you enroll between now (January 2) and January 17, 2013 (and pay at least the deposit), we will send to you a new acoustic guitar or ukulele (your choice) and a Windsor Mountain Song Book! (If you are international, you’ll have to wait to get your instrument when you come to camp). For those of you more accomplished musicians who already play an instrument, we’ll send to you a $75 gift certificate to Guitar Center and the song book.

This way, on the opening day of each session, we all will be able to play Purple Lilacs together. Let’s bring more music to the world in 2013, and you can add your name to the list of thousands of people who have learned to play an instrument at Windsor Mountain/Interlocken over the years.

Looking forward to making music with you this summer! Happy 2013, and let’s hope this is a great year for all.