Dinosaurs v. Robots – Oh My!

Dinosaurs v. Robots – Oh My!

Life is good at Windsor Mountain! After a drizzly drop-off, the skies cleared up for a great opening campfire to welcome the second session campers. What a great way to start second session.

Second session campers have hit the ground running – it is clear they were incredibly excited to get to camp and we’re excited to welcome both returning and new campers. We’ve had three days full of great activities – from more traditional activities like stenciling, stained glass, sailing and soccer to more unique activities, like “niceness ninjas” and “Well, This Is Awkward…” we have seen it all! All our departments have been full of campers eager to learn skills, try new things and have fun.

Our evenings have been full excitement as well. Our kick-off evening activity was “Counselor Trivia,” where bunks learn facts about the counselors and practice acts of kindness (and silliness) when they guess incorrectly. It is an evening full of laughs and wackiness all around. On Thursday night, we had “BLUN” or Big Living Unit Night, where each living unit – Cabins, Dorms and “Tent” Unit all did something together. The Dorm girls enjoyed a spirited game of Ballistic Trivia, The Cabins had an epic obstacle course race on the sports field, and the Tent Unit opened “Tenty Town” where each bunk was converted to a different town establishment. Tenty Town was full of entertainment, including Zumba, bowling, hair salon (don’t worry, styling only), “Tatoo” parlor, nail salon, photo booth, friendship ceremonies and friendship “counseling,” Karaoke, a “pet” shop, and a town post office (where campers could mail letters to other residents of tenty town) and many more. After frequenting all the town establishments, Tenty Town had a silent disco (that’s right, no music required). Needless to say, the night was a hit for all of the living units.

That brings us to the Dinosaurs and Robots. Where to begin. Well, it turns out that two counselors, Holly and Patrick, found an old time machine in the woods which belonged to a former resident of Windsor (a scientist, of course). One thing led to another and they inadvertently brought Dinosaurs back from the past and Robots back from the future. That spelled trouble. And when there is trouble, there is only one way to resolve it. CAPTURE THE FLAG! The intro to Capture the Flag was epic, complete with a flying Pterodactyl (aka Patrick). The game ended in a tie so no doubt the Dinosaurs and Robots will return to settle their differences again later this session.

Today has been one incredibly beautiful day at camp. We’re having a cookout tonight followed by Small Living Unit Night, where the bunks will do something special tonight together. The energy and enthusiasm overflows out of these campers and is infectious. We’re having so much fun playing and are feeling lucky to call Windsor Mountain home. Stay tuned for a video peek into what we have been doing. In the meantime, please continue to check out our photos on SmugMug (e-mail us for the password if you need it).

Warm regards from the Bubble,

The Windsor Mountain Team