Digital Detox in a Tipi
Windsor Mountain – April Newsletter
A Word From Tom:
It’s almost time for our digital detox…
Did you know that on average, we check our cell phones over 110 times a day? I know I am guilty of a figure similar to this and I often riddle myself with guilt (while sat here with three Apple devices in front of me) while I work on ‘Off Season’ activities here in the Windsor Mountain office.
One of the many joys that the summer brings for me is my ‘cell phone checks’ are drastically lower. When my attention changes from enrollment, staffing and program development to ensuring that our wonderful Windsor Mountain campers have the greatest summer of their lives, I know that also means that my cell phone will be switched off and left proudly at home.
Of course, my summer detox is also a technology break for our campers and the campers’ summer digital detox positively impacts them long after they leave the “Bubble” of Windsor Mountain. We recently sent out an email to our Windsor Mountain staff members, checking in and sharing thoughts and ideas for the upcoming summer. I passed on a link to a video from Tedx Talks about how campers benefit from being ‘Unplugged’ at camp. Please, check it out and pat yourself on the back for helping your child become more prepared for their future through their camp experience at Windsor Mountain.
During a technology age where it is common to spend endless hours on our tablets, computers and phone, I count myself lucky that I don’t have a Netflix account or own a games console! My one sobering reality check is the view directly in front of my desk (yes, the snow is melting!).

Snow. And some trees.
The now slushy snow, clean lines of Windsor Mountain in the distance and our glossy-topped semi-frozen lake reminds me that cell phones are not a natural thing. They have no place in the Windsor Mountain ‘Bubble’. This is where we rediscover our roots and the passions we love in life. For me, it is being able to safely swim knowing that chlorine isn’t flowing into my pours, getting away with covering myself in paint and not caring, and most of all, laughing and smiling all day long as I connect – face to face – with the people that mean the most to me. Summer cannot come soon enough!
Family Work Weekend April 25-27
Join us for a fun weekend as we open camp for the season! We’ll be enjoying good food and even better company while we accomplish some pre-season work together. Among other things, we hope to place to the log benches in the new amphitheater, move the docks into the water, garden, rake and play! We will be gathering for dinner on Friday through midday on Sunday. Please join us for all or part of the weekend. (please note accommodations are in the Community Building so you will have a nice warm bed after our busy days) RSVP to [email protected] – we hope to see you there!
Tipi Time
This (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) is happening near Cabin 1 this summer…

This, ladies and gentlemen, is a Tipi.
Camp Handbook and Other Information Online
Do not forget to review the Windsor Mountain handbook and other helpful information under “current families” on our website as you prepare for the summer. Here is a link for your convenience:
Please keep in mind that we need to receive your camper forms by the end of the month. You can access them by logging into your CampInTouch account:
Have a most happy spring, and don’t forget that the theme to summer 2014 is kindness. Yes.
Hopefully dreaming of melted snow piles,
Your friends at Windsor Mountain