Happy National Watermelon Day!

Happy National Watermelon Day!

Greetings friends and families, today is a great day!

You can always tell when Windsor Mountain is having a good day when there is a certain buzz of excitement and happiness on the deck. During meal times and free choice hour, campers are making full simultaneous use of the GaGa pit, tetherball, ping pong tables, stilts, Diablo and 4 square. Smiling, laughing and the general merriment really makes you feel alive and privileged to be at Windsor Mountain at that time and that moment.

Our Sunday Morning Meeting was particularly poignant this morning.  Our topic was gratitude.  You will be happy to know that your children shared some beautiful thoughts with everyone about what they value in their lives both at home and at camp.  As you might already know, expressing and feeling gratitude actually makes you a happier, healthier person!  Good stuff all around.

Some of the highlights of the last week have been ropes-course program planning, where the ropes department led half of the meeting up on the climbing wall! Classes have been very exciting with our South African counselor, Sean, teaching a handful of campers how to use light to your advantage in photography and also, Dude Perfect, the Youtube phenomenon, has been brought to Windsor Mountain with 16 excitable boys trying their best to land huge trick shots with Basketballs and Footballs from landmarks such as the Belltower!

Our annual trip to Boston for our international campers was one of my highlights of the summer, as I was lucky enough to be apart of it this year! We started off in Boston Common, learning about the start of the Freedom Trail and what the common was back when it was first introduced to Boston in the 1600’s, following onto the State House, Kings Chapel and Burial Ground and onto Faneuil Hall for the amazing food it has to offer. We then walked on, past the Old North Church, learning about Paul Revere and the part he played during the Revolution and onto the USS Constitution. We were blessed with a warm day and a cooling breeze from the harbor, a truly wonderful day had by all!

Now that we are half way through the session, the momentum is going to start rolling with all camp and special events. We already have *Bagel* day (code word) booked-in and ready to go, and what is usually Super Happy Fun day at the end of camp now has an unexpected twist to Super Happy Week… more to be revealed!

Our two-week friends have left us today, and we are sorry to see them go.  It has been a pleasure having them at camp and look forward to their return next summer!

With only two weeks left of camp, we are all going to squeeze every ounce of excellentness out of what is left of a magical Windsor Mountain summer.  Here is your latest video installment! – Well, camp. Yeah!