Staff FAQs

What is expected of a Windsor Mountain staff member?
1. Working, playing, eating and living with campers 24 hours a day;
2. Being responsible for a small group of campers, who must keep the cabin clean, get along with each other, and write letters home.
3. Be a friend to your campers. You must lead them, help them, comfort them and see they get the most they can out of what camp has to offer.
4. Be responsible for getting campers to be safe, clean and healthy, to have them eat and sleep properly and bring health or medical problems to the nurse immediately.
5. Plan activities for your group and with other groups including skits, cookouts, games, hikes, sleep outs and campfire sing-a-longs, to name a few. You may also assist “specialist” staff to lead activities and supervise campers.
6. Be an instructor/teacher, helping campers enjoy activities and improve their skills.
7. Assist with housekeeping, maintenance of supplies and up-keep of equipment.
8. Be an active member of the camp community, counted on to pitch-in and do whatever is needed to help the camp run smoothly.

What personality traits are required of staff members?
1. A love for children with a capacity to be patient; to be firm, yet kind; be interested; be fair; have good judgment; show genuine concern and interest in them.
2. A love for people and the ability to feel comfortable with them and work cooperatively as a team.
3. A strong sense of responsibility.
4. The ability to persevere – to hang in there.
5. The ability to stimulate and encourage people in physical and mental growth and in all phases of human relations.
6. A capacity to work hard and maintain good health.
7. An ability to make a quick decision in an emergency and involve others as necessary.
8. Flexibility, initiative, resourcefulness, imagination, adaptability and a great sense of humor.

What is a typical day like at Windsor Mountain?
7:30 Wake Up
Jump out of bed ready for the day and wake up your kids in time for the breakfast bell.

7:45 Breakfast
Make sure your campers all attend breakfast. Seek out the campers seated alone and start up conversation with them, encourage other campers to join you.

8:30 Clean Up
Clean up the bunks. Motivate your kids to clean their living space, teach kids how to clean and the value of having a clean and tidy living space. Also make sure the kids are getting along and working together.

9:00 Morning Meeting
Morning meeting is a chance for the community to come together, have fun, sing songs and share funny skits about community. You may be taking part in the morning meeting with kids or contributing with a community issue or song.

9:30 1st Activity Period
Teach campers and help them to enjoy activities and improve their skills.

10:45 Snack
Snack on the deck! Everybody heads to the deck for a healthy snack. It’s a great chance to check in with your kids and see how their day is going.

11:00 2nd Activity Period
Teach campers and help them to enjoy activities and improve their skills.

12:15 Lunch Time
Enjoy delicious food from the kitchen. Meal times are a great chance to hang out with kids on the deck. Eat with the kids, always be looking out for kids seated alone or looking sad. Once you have finished eating, start up a game of 4 square, table tennis or some other fun activity.

1:30 Rest Hour
This is a chance for the kids to rest in their living units.

2:30 3rd Activity Period (Bunk Activity Period)
Teach campers and help them to enjoy activities and improve their skills.

3:45 Snack
Everybody heads to the deck for a healthy snack. It’s a great chance to check in with your kids and see how their day is going.

4:00 4th Activity Period
Teach campers and help them to enjoy activities and improve their skills.

5:00 Fun Hour
Fun Hour is great for kids and staff. It’s a chance for you to get out of your specialist area and have a go at teaching in a different department. Campers can move around and try as many activities as they like. This also can also be a good time to organize an activity with your bunk.

6:00 Dinner
Enjoy delicious food from the kitchen. Meal times are a great chance to hang out with kids on the deck. Eat with the kids, always be looking for kids sat alone or looking sad. Once you have finished eating start up a game of 4 square, table tennis or some other fun activity.

7:15 Evening Activity
The entire camp comes together for a huge camp game or activity. Try your hand at leading an evening activity, it’s fun to help the whole camp have a blast together.

8:45 Return to Living Units
Time to start calming the campers down and getting them ready for bed. Make sure all your campers clean themselves and brush their teeth. Once everybody is tucked into bed you can wrap the day up with highs and lows, a cabin chat, a song or a story.

9:15 All Quiet in Camp
Lights out and everybody quiet in bed. It’s a good idea for counselors also to get a good night’s sleep.

What is the salary for a Windsor Mountain staff member?
Salary- $1600- $3000 depending on experience.