Day Two: Rotation Day!

Day Two: Rotation Day!

Okay, so in the grand scheme of our summer, rotation day is not the greatest day on the schedule. Still quite a bit of fun to be had this day, but we also take care of lice checks and swim tests (two things we always do on the second day of camp). The upside is that the campers got to spend lots of time with their bunks (and big living units) today, creating and strengthening friendships with each other and their bunk counselors. Everyone was in good spirits, and the weather was amazing!

After some tasty chicken and artichoke with rice and veggies and Daniella’s CARROT CAKE (if you had eaten it, you would know why I put it in all caps), we all joined in a lively game of counselor trivia. Each staff member anonymously provided an interesting fact about him/herself. The campers then approached each counselor with their bunk and try to guess which fact matches that person. Of course, our staff doesn’t make it that easy! If the campers guess incorrectly, they must agree to complete certain inane (but highly humorous) tasks, which often involve singing, dancing, or perhaps clucking like a small chicken. It is really fun to watch everyone on the deck running from counselor to counselor, laughing and smiling and having lots of fun. Good times (for real).

Campers will find out their activities for Tuesday and Wednesday tomorrow morning. We are looking forward starting our “regular” camp programming 12 hours from now. I hope to be able to post a link to some photographs tomorrow on the blog. Hope everyone had a good day today! “Talk” with you again soon.