First Night!

First Night!

What a great first night we had out here in the woods of New Hampshire. We started out with some introductions of the leadership team (Windsor Mountain Style, including the Music Condor, of course) and then had a brief description of the schedule for the rest of the day today. From there, we went into dinner, where Jay and the rest of the kitchen staff whipped up some pasta, always a crowd-pleaser, garlic bread, salad and some yummy cake. Then we had our program planning meeting, where the campers chose their activities for the first rotation, which will begin on Tuesday. To close out the night, we had a nice warm campfire and sing-along. Everyone then headed back to their bunks for the night. The energy is great, and the campers are settling in nicely. We know you miss your babies, but camp is great, and they are in good hands.

Please check the blog often for camp updates. Good night to all.