Sunday and The Olympic Spirit!

Sunday and The Olympic Spirit!

I think Sundays are my favorite day at camp. There is just a different feel to the day. It almost seems like we have a little more time, and there is a bit of slower pace. And, of course, we have Sunday morning meeting. For those of you who are new to Windsor Mountain, Sunday morning meeting is similar to a Quaker-style meeting. We introduce a topic for the camp to consider – yesterday was the Olympic values (respect, excellence, friendship, courage, determination, inspiration, and equality) – and those campers who want to share thoughts are encouraged to do so. Instead of clapping in response, we waive our fingers (clapping in sign language) in support. As always, we heard some really insightful words from campers of all ages. I think parents would be amazed at the things their kids have to share and the courage they demonstrate in sharing their feelings. It’s truly great to see!

From there, we had super clean-up and brunch. The afternoon activity was, of course, Olympics! The camp was divided into nine teams and each squad had to come up with a team chant and participants from each team tackled different challenges, including canoeing, swimming, running, biking, egg spoon walk, free-throw contest, three-legged race, beading, connect four and a group bucket filling contest. It was great fun for all! The campers enjoyed small living unit (or BUNK) night on Sunday night, where they did something special with their counselors and bunk-mates. From canoe-adventures to scavenger hunts and smores galore, many campers said they had a fantastic night.

Another 3-day rotation began today, culminating in our 4th of July festivities.

Here are more photos – PHOTOS

Happy Summer!