Where is the Time Going?!?!

Where is the Time Going?!?!

It is hard to believe that we said goodbye to our two-week friends and that our final week of camp is quickly approaching. Campers and staff members alike have been enjoying this beautiful weather, which has made the lake a very popular place to be today. As I sit here in the office, I can hear the exciting game of ARGHHHH happening down at the waterfront (ARGHHHH for those of you that do not know is Capture the Flag on the water in boats).

Our Fifth rotation of classes began today, with a huge variety of activities, including a rock climbing trip, archery, baking with the Grandmas (our head cook’s Grandma and her friend are here to bake), film-making, soap-making (taught by yours truly), Curtis’s Adventures in Windsor, Duct Tape Blacksmiths, and a ton of music and art classes. We hope that your campers will have something to bring home to you!

Last night, we enjoyed an Arts & Performance Night, which including a wide-variety of acts, such as improv, mini-musical, magic, baton, and dance. We also had camper artwork displayed in a “gallery” for viewing. I think everyone enjoyed performing and seeing their friends perform various acts they have been working on. I am always so impressed with the talent of campers here at Windsor Mountain, and the courage they display in performing at campfires and Performance Nights.

Rumor has it some of you are eager for more photos. Don’t fret – we’ll get some more up tomorrow – stay tuned!