The Ocean is Calling…

The Ocean is Calling…

I went swimming in the ocean yesterday. And I wasn’t alone. I had the entire population of Windsor Mountain Summer Camp with me! It was fantastic. We surprised the campers with an impromptu Beach Day at Hampton Beach, NH. It ended up that we chose a great day for Beach Day because the weather at camp yesterday was really, really hot but the beach was great. Campers and staff spent the day “digging holes for holes’ sake,” building sand castles, playing beach volleyball and soccer, making friendship bracelets, playing music, and of course, swimming. The water was a little on the “brisk” side, but it was quite refreshing. I’m not sure our Floridian, Mexican and Caribbean campers appreciated the temperature of the water, but they braved it nonetheless. 🙂

Last night, we had our Joel’s Coffee House (a variety show of sorts). Despite having to be cut a little short due to the possibility of some weather, the performances were great. Today was back to our “regular” programming, which was the last such day of this session. As I am drafting this posting, I can hear “Billie Jean” playing on the tennis court for an all-camp dance. Tomorrow is Super Happy Fun Day (ice cream for breakfast tomorrow – shhhh, don’t tell the campers parents), followed by the Andy Upton Race on Friday and closing banquet.

We are looking forward to our Visiting Day on Saturday, July 21. Parents will be arriving between 10:00 and 11:00. We will have a morning meeting with everyone at around 11:00 a.m., followed by lunch and then some great musical performances put on by our talented campers and staff. The festivities will wrap up with our closing tradition at around 3:00 p.m., at which time everyone will depart for other pastures. We encourage families to come and celebrate a great first half of the summer with us on Saturday.

Finally, I want to pass along a link to a recent story published in the Manchester Union Leader, New Hampshire’s largest newspaper. Article About Camp I think you will recognize the subject matter. 🙂 Other than the factual inaccuracy that we changed the name of the camp from Interlocken International, it is pretty much spot on. Enjoy, and we’ll see you on Saturday!