So Much to Do!

So Much to Do!

From yesterday – Hello all, and happy weekend.  I was just out walking around on this beautiful day (yes, it has been mainly sunny today!), and I loved what I saw.  It is our “free-choice” period, where campers can select from almost every activity at camp, and they don’t need to sign up in advance.  In a 20-minute walk around camp, I saw so many great things happening.  Rosa B. was playing with bunnies in a little pen that she and two staff members just made from sticks; Charlie H. just went off the giant swing and reported that it was “awesome!”; Jack R. and others doing some stenciling on their Crazy Creeks; people playing music everywhere; sports on the sports field; people swimming at the waterfront and on and on it goes.  It is so great to see the wide variety of interests our campers and staff have and to see it played it out here on a daily basis.

From today – We started off with a great twist on our Sunday Morning Meeting.  The theme for the meeting was kindness, and Fitz, our resident oracle, told us an enchanting Korean tale dating back hundreds of years.  He, Maroghini and the music department led us in a few songs, including Give Yourself to Love, which has become a camp tradition.  Many campers and staff also shared some poignant thoughts on what it means to be kind to others.  From there, we went into our tasty brunch, which featured cinnamon buns, eggs, fresh fruit and more.  Our all-camp activity for today was Windsor Mountain Derby.  Each bunk received the same amount of fake money and had the opportunity to increase their stash through playing various games.  We ended the derby with a “horse” race and each bunk then had the chance to bid on auction items such as root beer floats, skipping the dinner line, and having a “fancy” dinner with Jake & Kerry in their house.  Good times.  We are ending the day with bunk night.  The rain held off for almost the entire day, making this the second mostly-rain-free day in a row!  Better news to come – the weather pattern finally is changing later this week, and we should be in for some great weather days starting Wednesday or Thursday.  Hope you all are enjoying your summer days!