Week 2 Video!

Week 2 Video!

We have been having a blast up here.  The weather has been good, and the energy of happy campers and enthusiastic staff is contagious.  As usual, we have had typical camp wackiness like Jabberwocky, Whodunnit, and Windsor Mountain Wipeout, and more reflective activities like campfire, Maroghini’s drum circle and our Hunger Banquet, where we bring to light the problem of world hunger.  Some of our daily activities have included Waterfront Arcade (where campers played ping pong on a raft in the lake), fishing, love speeches, Jamaican rap, stomp, jam-making, farmers market, Earth Bending, Knights of the Round Table, stand-up comedy, Aussie games, football, archery, and way, way more.

Kim, our fearless videographer extraordinaire, can tell it way better than I.  Take it away – here is the video from Session 2.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtlmmQTuN_c