Happy July 4th (Sort of…)

Happy July 4th (Sort of…)

Friday, 4th July!

We have had a great few days at Windsor Mountain!  The unpredictable New England weather has delayed our traditional July 4th celebrations (like most of the big cities in the area!) until tomorrow… but never fear! With this challenge has brought the opportunity for our superb counselors to create an event of ‘Clue’ with the theme of ‘Who stole July 4th?! Little do our campers know that the mystery will be solved just in time for the return of the sun tomorrow morning! I speak for everyone when I say that I cannot wait for our Counselor vs. Campers softball game, wonderful cookout and annual firework show.

This week, our morning meetings have included lots of fun sing-a-longs and a great Sunday morning meeting where we talked about kindness – what it means to be kind and how we can be kind to one another.  A personal morning meeting highlight for me recently was the puppet morning meeting about being ‘too cool for camp’. Curtis’ sock puppet class, with the help of Adam, ran a very light hearted and hilarious show filled with songs and merriment all with the power of a group of sock puppets with their actors hiding behind a sheet!

Evening activities have been on a rollercoaster of fun over the last few days, the monsoon last night didn’t disturb our Casino Night in the dining hall with the campers playing games with Windsor Mountain Dollars for the opportunity to win prizes like skipping the dinner line, a private campfire, with s’mores, hosted by our Program Director, Mawk or a special meal cooked by Jake and Kerry. We also had a wonderful campfire on Tuesday with campers performing songs, stories and poems, some of them for the first time! Special mention for Flaco’s Flaming Arcade evening activity which made it’s very first appearance at Windsor Mountain and I’m certain that it will make a regular appearance for many more years to come! Every counselor on camp turned their favorite arcade or fairground game into a lifesize activity that the campers had to participate in such as PacMan, Space Invaders and Whack’A’Mole… very, very funny to watch!

Campers have been enjoying a wide-variety of activities – from making flower headbands and stencils to preparing for zombie apocalypse or how to be an “average” superhero, dance, soccer, swimming and tennis, we’ve had an action-packed week!

Happy Independence Day and we hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing weekend…  In the meantime, here is the video for week 2 – Week 2 Video!

Now back to more pressing matters – solving who stole July 4th!!