Last Week of Camp?
Bagel Day!!
We have had a busy few days here at Windsor Mountain! As I sit typing this message, I can see the gargoyles (our counselors!) diving for their favorite hiding places while the eager campers scour under upturned canoes, peer behind trees and dig through the undergrowth in search of them. Hot Rodicus Supersonicus never lets the crowd down! The challenge of finding the gargoyles and carrying them (as they freeze upon capture, obviously) back to the deck meadow in exchange for points is too fun to pass up!
Now that the secret is out, I can gladly say that Bagel (Beach) Day went without a hitch! We had such a great day at Hampton Beach State Park – high 70’s, slight cloud coverage for a few breaks from the sun and a refreshing* ocean temperature! We always like to break the routine and throw in an extra special day filled with sand castle building, trench building, volleyball and wiggling on the spot until you are knee deep in the sand! The buses picked us up early and we were on the road by 8.15am and with ‘advance crew’ had the awnings, sunscreen and refreshments ready for the campers arrival. After a fun and sun filled few hours and picnic in the Hampton Beach pavilion, we made our way home to spend a few hours catching up with packages, writing letters home, freshening up and some relaxed deck activities. The evening activity, Joel’s Coffee House, was wonderful. So many campers plucked up the courage to perform for their peers along with songs, Diablo, stories and poems.
We have also had a great Big Living Unit night where the Tent Unit had their annual unit dance in Dining Hall, the Cabins frolicked on the Sports Field and the Dorms turned their unit into a small town with each bunk offering their own inidiviual activity. The Canoe trip down the Connecticut was so successful, we have 17 campers going on our Waterfalls trip to the White Mountains with our 4 fantastic leaders! 6th Rotation also brings the waterfront pirate activity ‘Arrgghh’ (imagine capture the flag in watercraft!) which is always a crowd pleaser!
We are almost into our final week at camp and then anticipation around the staff is great… The final week never fails to live up to its amazing reputation. Days are blown up to give way to fun filled activities and fun run’s. I can already taste Andy Upton’s creamy ice cream sundaes! I’ll let you know how they taste in the next update…