Happy 4th of July Weekend!

Happy 4th of July Weekend!

Happy July 4th Weekend!

Sunday always brings a nice change of pace to the Windsor Mountain week. A slightly later wake up, a delicious late morning brunch, extra time to clean our living spaces and down time (or crazy run around time, whatever the counselor concocts!) with our bunks during the evening. Todays Sunday was especially welcomed because of our SPECTACULAR July 4th! It is safe to say that the majority of camp slept through until the first bell of the day because yesterday was an action packed day to say the least. It kicked of with a celebratory breakfast of pancakes, fruit and ice cream (just for special occasions!) in the dining hall and deck area that was gloriously decorated in red, white and blue. A mid-day rain cloud tried its best to damped the spirits of the day but failed as the Windsor Mountain community enjoyed their last day of classes of the 3rd rotation.  At one point, as I stood on the deck, I could see the following: a class making a slow-motion video of a watermelon being dropped from the bell tower (very cool!), another class that has given the camp labradoodle, Cody, a grooming (and he looked very smart with his clip on tie), ninja training, guitar lessons, an intense game of ping pong and finally, a group practicing some a capella. An awe inspiring sight to see!

Marco and our talented kitchen staff produced a wonderful cookout for camp followed by our annual July 4th Carnival. The deck and deck meadow was a buzz with musical chairs, sponge toss (at counselors, which proved to be very popular!), apple bobbing, doughnut strings and dizzy bat were all on offer with counselors dressed up for the occasion. After this and to give enough time for the sun to set and the moon (which was a magical harvest moon) to rise, we went back to our bunks to wrap up warm and head down to the waterfront and take a seat on the grassy bank and observe an action packed firework display put on by a crack team of counselors while Ian and Isaac played the drums and electric guitar in time with the booms, cracks and whistles. We are very lucky to have such a beautiful lake to use everyday but conveniently also have it as a majestic backdrop for a firework display! (But even luckier to have such incredibly people with whom to share it).

Stay tuned for another update very soon!