Blog it Out!

Blog it Out!

Counselor Ariel Sussman led our first camper blogging class called “BLOG IT OUT!” Our bloggers: Dalton, Ashanty and Mariah each brought a unique and wonderful voice to the class with varying writing styles and thoughts. We were very excited to see what this class produces in the future.

The first week of July session has been off to a spectacular start. The transition from counselors-only to a camp full of excited happy kids was seamless as campers immediately engaged in a wide array of activities that appeal to every possible desire.

Rotation day, where campers try out different activities throughout the camp, saw a lot of bonding between friends, both new and old, both campers and counselors. The first program planning session happened on the deck meadow and campers were introduced to all of the fun possibilities that their summer could entail. It felt like a celebration.

Sunday morning, even with a bit of rain, didn’t stop us from making the best of it. We had super clean up, which gave our living units that extra shine and hopefully a chance to win the coveted Golden Sweep. We then all headed down to the dance pavilion to start Sunday morning meeting, a special tradition here at Windsor Mountain where we reflect on how the camp affects all of us and our character.

I think of myself as a pretty spiritual person, in that I feel very connected to my soul and able to reflect on myself and what is happening. I truly believe that I started to become this way during these Sunday morning meetings dating all the way back to when I was a camper. I see this same spirit developing in the campers as they stand up in front of their peers and share their thoughts.

We had an amazing 4th of July – with a world-class display of fireworks! WOW! It was a blast. It’s a bit of Cirque du Soleil style performances mixed with a traditional display of fireworks.

From Mariah:

I’m excited to be an LIT – a Leader in Training here at Windsor Mountain. On Sunday night we met the girls and boys we would be spending the summer reading to and playing with. I was partnered with a dorm filled with girls ages eight to ten. It was a fun night with a scavenger hunt and delicious s’mores by the water.

After a short time looking out at the lake and talking to my fellow LITs, the girls finally arrived and it was time to party! We sang fun camp songs, ate gobs of marshmallows and laughed the night way. The night ended with several counselors taking a sturdy row-barge onto the lake and staring at the stars. When we returned to the girls dorm, each of us (campers and counselors) shared our favorite part of the day and what we were thankful for.

As an LIT, our role is to ensure and support that the dorm/cabin has fun. This first Small Living Unit Night was a cool and rewarding experience. I cannot wait to spend many more SLUNs with these awesome campers!

From Dalton:

Our head chef Marco and the kitchen staff, make great food! We have an awesome salad bar, delicious chicken dishes, homemade cinnamon rolls and much more! Best of all. Every single meal is homemade! At breakfast we often have eggs, French toast, blueberry pancakes and an awesome cereal-yogurt bar. We have two lengthy snack breaks during the day, always with fruit – so I always feel I’m eating healthy. We have great food at WMI!!

Cabin 1 had a fun activity for Small Living Unit Night. We came to our cabin to find out that one of counselors, Moose, had been kidnapped by a “native creature”. We visited the Cabin Meadow, the Hobbit Hut, and the Ropes Course, where we found Moose. Next we had to travel along the Yellow Dot Trail to rescue our other counselor, Kyle. We found him at a nice little campfire. We had s’mores, and then headed for our cabin! A great night!

From Ashanty:

Last night on Small Living Unit Night, my dorm “Hilton” had a scavenger hunt then baked cupcakes for our counselors to show our appreciation. We then had a fun question and answer party where each question was attached to a delicious M&Ms – a great way for all of us to get to know each other!

Gabby and Abby are my counselors. Gabby is funny, artistic, and kind. She is like the big sister in the group. Abby is funny, cool, and a great swimmer. She is like the mother of the group, keeping us on task and making sure that we are doing the best we can.

The food here is amazing. Helena is the person who makes the best desserts in the UNIVERSE. They are so good, they taste like HEAVEN! The staff at Windsor Mountain are focused on making sure we are comfortable and feel safe – it certainly feels like home!