An Epic Beach Day and Much, Much More!

An Epic Beach Day and Much, Much More!

We have been blessed with lots of glorious weather over the last week or so, just in time for a couple of great over night trips including ‘Rock Out’ (a rock climbing trip throughout the local area) and ‘Saco River Tubing’ where our campers explored a great stretch of the Saco River up in North Conway, with rope swings and manageable rapids, along with natural rock slides. So. Much. Fun!

We also managed to time our August session beach day to Hampton Beach State Park perfectly as the weather was a blissful 80something and the water a much more refreshing 58 degrees. We had some beach volleyball, soccer, cricket, sandcastle and dam building with the annual game of wiggling your feet for 20 minutes until you’re standing a foot deep in the sand doing your best Michael Jacksons ‘Smooth Criminal’ impression! Check out the Windsor Mountain SmugMug account (the password for which you should have already been sent!) for some great photos from the day!

We have just completed our final program planning for 2015 and we certainly went out with a bang. The classes that are on offer are exceptional, with a surfing and a rock-climbing trip and some of our on campus classes include; whittling, water bending ceramics, country music and sailing. Making our final push to ensure that the campers have an exceptional experience this summer, the counselors are pulling out all the stops with the classes they teach, the evening activities and morning meeting that they are concocting as well as the overall camp spirit. Before we know it, we will all be back into reality and wishing we were back inside the bubble that is Windsor Mountain!

Now is the time to send in your final care packages, postcards and mail over the next few days to ensure that they arrive on time. Even though they are having buckets of fun, your kiddos still love to receive mail in their little mailboxes and when they see the little slip that tells them they have a package waiting for them in the office, you will not believe the smiles of sheer joy and excitement! As chaotic as it is, it is a pleasure to hand out the dozens of envelopes and packages each day to the lucky campers that receive them, so if you haven’t managed to get round to it just yet, now is your time to send a little something from home!

Now onto to our final week of the 2015 season, Windsor Mountain’s 55!