August Session Is In Full Swing!

August Session Is In Full Swing!

We are currently going through a mini heat wave here in southwest New Hampshire and normally that would grind the show to a complete standstill, but not here at Windsor Mountain! It only means that we can get even more creative with how to keep everyone cool, hydrated, sun blocked and still having lots of fun!! Rest easy knowing that everyone is great and camp is still in full swing!

The warmer weather means that we get the odd rain storm that rolls through camp for a short period, cools everything down, but a by-product of lots of sun and the odd wild rain shower means that our garden is looking better then it ever has (keep your eye on our Instagram account for a photo) and the hard work of Phil, Evan and his farm and garden team is paying off as it looks truly glorious!  Snap Peas, Corn, Watermelon, Tomato, Wild flowers, Lettuce, Swiss Chard and Radishes to name a few. Now that it is starting to mature, it is slowly starting to make its way into the kitchen.

Onto the programming side of camp over the last few days, the revered Rolo Booth made a dastardly appearance last weekend for ‘Hot Roddicus’ (The Windsor Mountain dramatized version of hide and go seek), risen from the grave which was made for him in 2014 and he was up to his usual tricks of turning our counselors and LIT’s into gargoyles, but luckily, all the campers rallied around the retrieve the counselors and save their souls before it was too late! Tonight was are seeing the Oregon Trail make a comeback, and we are also preparing for our second campfire on Wednesday evening.

Camp has seen a fantastic first rotation of classes, from Taiko Drumming to ‘Fun Down On The Farm’. Our talented staff and dedicated programming team work incredibly hard to ensure that there is a varied, fun and educational set of classes to be chosen every three days and that isn’t including the different over night trips that are also available. 2nd Rotation has seen more trips go out than ever before. Horseback riding, Surfing the New Hampshire coast and Vermont exploration means that camp is slightly quieter with many of our campers out seeing the sights of New England. Word so far is that they are having a GREAT time and, personally, I am very jealous of the surfers enjoying the cooler waters of the Atlantic ocean over the next few days and getting the opportunity to camp and cook under the stars after a busy day in the waves…bliss!