Happy Autumn!

Happy Autumn!

The exceptionally warm September is catching-up with us here at camp, as we are still waiting for all of the leaves to turn (especially down at the lake where the reflections are incredible!). The temperature is slowing creeping down and the wild life is in full action, preparing for the winter. Squirrels, Roddy the chipmunk (check out our Instagram!), racoons, a porcupine, deer and signs of a moose are all present on camp at the moment. Even the staff is prepping by bringing out their sweatshirts and pants. I’m not sure if we can get away with our board shorts and flip flops for too much longer…

Here is a quick update on what some of the staff are currently up to:

Curtis Hines

Curtis is still currently on camp working hard with the school groups and weddings that we are hosting. He is also working on an epic train trip across the country. He has had the travel bug for a while, and this is his perfect opportunity! He wants to send the message of “I miss you all terribly, but I can’t wait to see you at Fall Reunion!!”

Julie Tyson

Julie is currently rocking her study abroad program in Copenhagen, Denmark! Of course, she is making lots of animal friends and probably saving Mother Earth with her adopted Danish Green Team. Keep up the good work, Julie!

Isaac Silber and Ian Steiberg

Best friends Ian and Isaac found it too hard to be apart after leaving camp so, instead, they decided on taking a trip around the world together! After flying into Israel, they have made it over to Europe (Austria and Germany to name a few countries) to see the sights, experience the culture and of course, reconnect with our former far away counselors.

Sophie Pierson

Like Julie, Sophie is also studying abroad, but in the slightly warmer climate of Spain! Practicing her Spanish, sampling the delicious food, Sophie is taking a semester abroad to experience a new culture and chase the sun while studying hard! Can’t wait to hear all about it, Sophie!

We are currently counting down the days until our fall reunion here at Windsor Mountain. If you have not already, please enroll on the Windsor Mountain website as we would LOVE to see YOU!! Windsor Mountain comes alive when every one is here and with the beauty of fall, we’ll be canoeing, pressing apples, decorating the dining hall for our ‘haunted ball’ and catching up on the last few months apart. If you have any great costumes or ideas for activities, please don’t be afraid to bring them along!

Don’t forget about the last few days of our early enrollment for 2016, make the most of this opportunity! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email or give us a call at camp on (603) 478-3166.