Hey 2015! Thanks for the Memories.

Hey 2015! Thanks for the Memories.

2015, that’s a wrap!

It’s been a couple of days now since Kerry called our very last staff huddle of the 2015 season and it was at the end of a wonderful weekend at our fall reunion.

Each year, Columbus Day wraps up the season. It means that during the brief break between the end of August session and this controversial holiday, where camp is slowly being winterized and camp hosts a handful of school groups and weddings, we prepare for our Fall Reunion. This is an extra special weekend that we often talk about for many reasons; the nice weather, the spectacular colors on the foliage around camp, the chance to dress up and be goofy with a Halloween theme and, of course, get to see some of our best friends that we only get to spend a handful of time with each year. 2015 was no exception. In fact, it may have been our best reunion yet!

With a nice number of around 70 campers who travelled from far and wide, the sun greeted us on Saturday, with the Windsor Mountain Purple Lilac Ice Cream Shack offering up some ice cream while people played on the sports field, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the New York City bus. As it rolled in minutes later, the typical scene of counselors trying to contain the excitement of friends trying their best to scramble to the door of the bus before it has parked and 30 minutes of bear hugs and tears ensued!

With a much more laid back schedule, we offered a family camp-styled day with lots of different activities being offered during two activity blocks; one in the morning and one in the afternoon. From Pat’s hayrides around camp on his old John Deere tractor and trailer to Elise’s caramel apples (picked locally from one of our apple picking trips during the weekend!), there was something for everyone! As always, Josh did a wonderful job creating his haunted mansion where campers and counselors decorated a location on camp (this year is was the dorms turn!) and each person got into character to try and spook their friends as they bravely wandered through. This was while our annual haunted dance was going on (more like a fun, fancy dress party with home made apple cider and Halloween goodies!). As always, it was terrifically sad to see everyone leave but we know for sure that the momentum ‘this is the best summer YET’ attitude is going to continue, and we cannot wait for staff orientation to roll around in another seven months. So enjoy these days of fall, make the most of the outdoors with friends and family as it won’t be long before you’re packing your bags for camp once more.

I’d love to take a minute to thank everyone that has been a part of such a memorable year. To our spectacular staff, Windsor Mountain wouldn’t be the same without you. The passion, dedication and energy that you bring to your work is noticed each and every day in the buckets of smiles, laughter and joy on everybody’s faces (especially the campers!). I hope this brings as much happiness to your life as it does to mine. It would take me weeks to tell you each and every story from the summer about the whacky program planning skits, inspiring Sunday morning meetings, elaborate evening activities and bonds made in each and every bunk. This is all down to the hard work of the counselors that make Windsor Mountain great!

Until we meet again in the white pines of Windsor…

With love and gratitude from the team at Windsor Mountain International Summer Camp

One World Way,
Windsor NH, 03244

