Greetings Session 2!
Session two is upon us, and we could not be more excited to spend the next 3.5 weeks with these excellent campers. We had a fantastic opening day (how could you not love the bright coral staff shirts so you can always find a staff member when you need one!)! It was so nice to put faces to the new Windsor Mountain families and welcome you all to camp. We hope the new families that joined us had a chance to check out camp and get a feel for this special place. It is always great to connect with returning families and campers. Wow – it always amazes us how much kids grow and change over the winter months.
Your campers are full of huge smiles and are enthusiastic for everything! I could hear them singing during their swim assessments today! No doubt everyone has been counting down the days for their Windsor Mountain experience this summer and the staff will not disappoint!
Today campers got a taste of a variety of activities offered at camp and got to play with many different counselors so they would be ready to select their activities. This afternoon, we had our first Program Planning, where the counselors presented all the different activities offered for the next three days. Campers will select their activities from all of the different options – trust me – there was plenty for everyone. I am happy to say we were able to do all of this before the rain settled in tonight. Everyone stayed in the dining hall tonight playing Counselor Trivia before heading back to their bunks for the night.
Tomorrow, the regular schedule will begin and the kids will settle into the fabulous rhythm of camp life. We cannot wait!
In case you missed it, please check out the photos on windsormountain.smugmug.com (password WMI2014). Dylan is doing a fantastic job capturing life at camp. We hope you enjoy them! We will be sending videos periodically as well – stay tuned for those!
Let’s close this one out with one of the best moments from today’s Morning Meeting. Jake had made a bet with Tom Johnston (our Assistant Director) that not more than 85 campers had ever heard of Marilyn Monroe. When the crowd was polled, it was clear that Jake was wrong, and he promptly got a whipped cream pie in the face. He reports that it was delicious…