A Note from a WMI Parent

A Note from a WMI Parent

I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that technology has taken over our lives. There are many benefits to it but it comes at a price. My kids are addicted to their screens. When they want to have fun, they pick up their screens. When they want to tune out, screens. When they’re bored?  Screens. When I don’t know what to do with them?  I have to admit that more often than I’d like I send them to the screen. You see, it gives me a moment of peace. But, I always feel guilty about it. Because so. Much. Screen. Time. 
That’s the beauty of WMI. NO SCREENS. Not a one. Its brilliant actually. No one has them. The girls aren’t on Instagram trying to gather likes and followers instead of talking to each other. The boys aren’t zoned out playing Fortnight instead of playing soccer together.  They have to engage with each other and practice those very rusty social skills of human interaction. They get a break from the blue light. Now, I’m sure my oldest is trying to figure out a way to get a screen into camp. But I’m not worried because even if he manages to smuggle something into the Tent Unit he won’t be able to keep it hidden for long. Because NO SCREENS. And it’s not my rule.