Into the Unknown

Into the Unknown

From Samm Wesler

I woke up this morning with “Into The Unknown,” from Frozen II stuck in my head. If you haven’t seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it. When I’m not at camp, I teach dance at a studio in NH. One of my classes is intermediate ballet with 7-10 year olds. Since the soundtrack came out, they beg for “Into The Unknown” for freeze dance at the end of class (pre zoom dance classes, of course). So I’ve gotten pretty familiar with it. Elsa sings about her fears of leaving what she knows (and safety) and embracing a journey.

I was thinking of how all of this feels like we’ve been plunged into the unknown. We don’t know what is ahead of this, there is no known end date, no clear solutions. To be frank, it’s pretty scary.I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling this. With this big unknown, I’ve found myself counting what I do know.  I know there are so many “be positive!!” posts on social media everywhere, but maybe grounding ourselves into the known can make us feel more ready face whatever comes next. So here’s mine!

  1. I am loved. By my family, my partner, my friends, my students, my campers and my coworkers.
  2. Being kind always feels better at the end of day. I think it’s easy to have short tempers right now, but remembering that every one is a little scared right now, and treating everyone with kindness can keep us all together
  3. Doing the dishes is always more fun with music.
  4. I am not alone. You are not alone.
  5. The camp bubble is always here.
  6. I can practice the values of camp from wherever. I can take responsible risks, I can learn new skills, or I can pause and find solace in swaying trees.
  7. It’s always okay to feel your feelings
  8. There is always time and room to dance.

Camp is always here, our community is always here. Please reach out to each other to us, to that friend you keep meaning to text but never do. Watch Frozen II. Count your knowns and maybe the unknown isn’t as scary when we are armed with kindness and community.