Thinking of Better Days Ahead

Thinking of Better Days Ahead

Rpf Blog

by Curtis Hines

The last snow has melted, the Bollywogger has come out of hibernation, and the buds on the purple lilac trees are becoming green and ripe. Every moment in the Pine Grove is a moment of silence, except for the chatter of birds and squirrels in the trees above. All around camp you can see the changing of the seasons, hints that Summer is not far away. In the meantime, while we’re all home with our families, we should try our best to bring camp to life wherever we are.

But how do you possibly do that? You probably don’t have a bell-tower or a ropes course at home (that would be very cool though). It might be hard to recreate all the classes and activities, and Hot Rodicus is slightly less exciting with limited hiding space. The Andy Upton becomes a race to get ice-cream from the freezer. The Music Condor’s orchestra is missing many musicians!

It’s not really the buildings that make camp special though, nor is it the classes, activities, or the traditions we have. What makes camp meaningful is the community we build with each other, and the values we choose to live by. How will you practice Risk, Respect, and Responsibility at home? How will you show appreciation, how will you perform acts of kindness? When you answer these questions and put them into action, I think you’ll begin to feel that familiar sensation. That feeling you get in the “Bubble”, of connection and good-will, is a feeling you can take home with you. There’s no better time to try.

We know this is tough. It’s hard to be away from your friends, to do remote learning, to change your routine and cancel your plans. I’m sorry this has happened, but it won’t last forever. Stay positive. Be kind. If we can all bring a little bit of camp back home, we’ll be making our lives a little easier, and a little nicer until we are reunited in the Bubble again.

My hope is that no matter where you are right now, you are also able to appreciate the first signs of Spring. I hope you’re surrounded by people who love and care about you, and I hope you are healthy and well.